Friday 28 September 2012

Why be stuck

It's like my life is jammed on the pause button and you have thrown away the remote. Where is it? But deep inside, I know the answer. Why is it that we get stuck in this quandary?  This ungodly depressing mess of past memories. Memories that are like wisps of smoke, very clear but difficult to touch. You can fathom the shape, even sometimes smell it, yet to experience you need to float away to the past. A place long ago, but etched deep within your consciousness. It is a place which looks mesmerizing now, but at that time was it so? The present would one day be the past of tomorrow. So do we remove the unpleasantness , the tensions, the despair of the past and transport them to the present. Is it a defense mechanism to escape from the realities of the present? To prevent from being hurt? to be untouched? 

Escapism, how did I master you. Unknowingly, wantonly became an expert at it. How to escape from escapism. This is the beginning of a neuro psychotic bullshit, yes. It is.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

When I see you, I see my future
When I see you, I forget the past
When I see you, I see my present
"The problem with the world is that intelligent people are full of doubts and the stupid ones are full of confidence." - Charles Bukowski