Friday 28 December 2012

As the year draws to a close

It's been a while since my last blog post.. but I have been a tad bit busy with exams and projects.

But on Christmas day in a foreign country, I feel that I should take a moment and say thanks to all the blessings that I have. In this constantly changing dynamic we call life, we are rushed, often pushed into doing things, things we may or may not want. We crave for those that we can't possess, we wish for those that we had and lost, we pray for something different. These will happen, when it is meant to and when it is the right time.

Understand that there are those across this vast and glorious earth that live to find the next morsel of food. There are those who live in poverty and a desperation that encapsulates and engulfs their entire existence. There are those who live without hope.

But we are the blessed lot. We have family who care for us. Friends who wish us well and whom we can share and enjoy. We also have that someone special, who thinks of you and no one else.

So on this Christmas day, I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, an education that enlightened my mind, family that will always stand by me and friends I can count on.