Saturday 6 August 2011

I like 'LIke'

My favorite button on Facebook is the "Like' button. It' such an amazing tool, that does so much for so little. With more friends/acquaintances on Facebook and more adding by the day, it becomes next to impossible to keep track of posts by friends. So in order to show quick appreciation for something you liked but probably are never going to in-depth or comment on, the 'Like' button is the perfect choice. It says so much. Also, there is an anonymity associated with the 'like' button, in that, you don't expect people to reply back to your like. So you needn't fear of repercussions on the web. You liked it , that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

What is really surprising is that Facebook has still not come out with the 'Dislike' button, but in a way that is a good thing. They are trying to keep the positive attitude on FB. This was a key feature that was missed out by Orkut, Myspace et al. It led to their downfall (although orkut still exists in some countries). But this time around, Google is leaving no room for mistakes. On Google plus, you have the +1 button. It has not become a rage like the 'like' button, but I am sure it will get there.

The "Like ' button probably has saved millions of man hours. With the average user having spend a minimum of four hours on FB (you may call it a waste, I call it connecting with people), the "Like' button is in essence improving the efficiency of mankind. So, there is so much that the world owes to the 'Like' button.

So if you liked reading this post, please 'Like' it. Thankfully there is no dislike button!

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