Wednesday 1 August 2012

Equation out of balance

Being a nerdy geeky  guy,  I tend to analyse most things.

Our life is or life in general is one big equation like say life L,
                              L= A+B+C

If any of the factors A, B or C changes, life L changes  big time. At every stage of life , I try to anlayse what has changed. The changes can be minute like getting drenched in rain or significant like losing ones' job.

But one can console oneself by believing that L is constant. If A decreases then B has to increase.
My L remains a constant no matter what. So I have been assigned an L, that's all I will get. No more no less. If one were to live life with this philosophy, one would be very happy.

But like me if you believe that one's L is just not good enough, we try our best to increase the A, then the B and its never ending. Being content with the L that one is given can be described as a characteristic. Something if you think about it, a useful trait to have. I see some of my friends possess this trait and they are genuinely happy with L and the L given.

Others like me are in constant search, a never ending one of finding the right variables to reach the 'L' I aspire, dream and one day hope to possess.

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